The Best Dab Containers: How to Choose the Best One

You might love to dab your cannabis, but unfortunately, most of the dab containers on the market are nothing short of a catastrophe. It's hard to figure out what works and what doesn't, and it's also hard to decide which materials and designs will be best for you. This article explains how you can choose the best dab containers. We'll walk through all of the great dab containers available on the market, as well as what makes them tick.

What's Dabbing and Dab Containers?

Dabbing is a method of smoking small amounts of potent drugs. That typically involves vaporizing the THC-rich liquid and inhaling this vapor. It is an integral part of stoner culture and thus, has become one of the most popular ways to consume cannabis. On the other hand, a dab container is designed specifically for this purpose and holds smaller amounts than a standard pipe or bong.

What to Get?

There are various dab containers available, and while some dabbers prefer one over the other, there's no correct way to dab. The choice is entirely yours. When choosing a container, you should look at three things:


Size varies significantly in dab containers. Your decision should rely on the amount you usually dab at one time and how much you want to hold on.


It's not uncommon to see dab containers from companies you've never heard. There are some great, mainstream brands out there and some new, small teams with set products. Try to find a company with a solid reputation and doesn't disappear after releasing its first few products.


You are likely to use these containers daily, so it's essential to look for one that can withstand the rigors of everyday use.

The choice of the dab containers is limited to these three:


Silicone containers are heat resistant and can withstand temperatures up to 572 degrees Fahrenheit. They come in many different sizes depending on the size, and they can hold anywhere from 4 to 7ml of concentrate.

Silicone containers are trendy due to their versatility, durability, and affordability. They are non-stick and thus can hold even the stickiest concentrate.


Glass containers are available in 5ml glass jars and are non-stick but easy to break. They aren't as portable as silicone, but they are relatively easy to clean. You need to wrap them in a soft material when putting them in your bag. When storing them, ensure they aren't close to a hard surface such as your laptop.


These dab containers store different types of concentrates. They are a perfect fit for individuals who use more than one type of concentrates per day.

Why Get dab containers?

Dab containers are essentially crucial for two reasons. First, they are necessary for vaporizing concentrates. Second, they are essential for storing the contents of your rig. The reason that dab containers are so important is that they keep the concentrate nice and cool. Dab containers are made from different materials, and having the correct dab container (glass and silicone) will ensure you have a great dabbing experience.

Dab containers are one of the most critical components of your dabbing rig. Their purpose is to store concentrates, and they are critical to the vaporizing process. With the proper knowledge, you will be able to find the best containers for your needs and will be able to keep your dabbing sessions as clean as possible. Contact us if you need more details concerning dab containers.
